Funeral and Cemetery Fraud

Funeral and Cemetery Fraud - current scams

Millions of Americans enter into prearrange contracts to prepay some or all of the expenses involved for their funerals.  This helps to ease the financial and emotional burdens on their families at the time of their death.  But some fall victim to funeral and cemetery fraud.

Laws in individual states regulate this industry and some states have laws to help ensure that these advance payments are applied when they are needed. Protections vary widely from state to state, and can provide a window of opportunity for unscrupulous operators to overcharge and list themselves as financial beneficiaries.

Tips for Avoiding Funeral and Cemetery Fraud:

  • Funeral homes are required to provide detailed general price lists over the telephone or in writing
  • Be an informed consumer. Take time to call and shop around before making a purchase.
  • Take a friend with you who may offer some perspective to help make difficult decisions.
  • Educate yourself fully about caskets before you buy one.
  • Take note, that caskets are not required for direct cremations.
  • Understand the difference between funeral homes basic fees and any fees for additional services.
  • Embalming rules are governed by state law and embalming is not legally required for cremations.
  • Carefully read all contracts and purchasing agreements before signing, and make certain that all of your requirements have been put in writing.
  • Make sure you understand the contract cancellation and refund terms, as well as any portability options.  These allow you to transfer your contract to other funeral homes.
  • As a general rule, do not allow yourself to be pressured into making purchases, signing contracts, or committing funds. These decisions are yours and yours alone.

For tips to help prevent you from being victimized. Visit the FBI’s White-Collar Crime and Cyber Crime webpages for information on more fraud schemes.
