Mobile Phone Safety for Kids

mobile phone safety

Think about mobile phone safety when determining an appropriate age for kids to have a mobile phone? For every family, that answer is going to be different.

Things to Consider –

  • Your child’s age
  • Their personality – Is your child responsible enough to follow rules set by you and their school?
  • Are they mature enough?
  • More importantly, your family’s circumstances.

When you decide your child is ready for a mobile phone, teach them to think about safety and being responsible.

Which options and features does your child’s phone require?

Your mobile phone service provider and the phone itself should allow for some choices regarding privacy settings and safety controls. Most will allow parents to turn off features, like web browsing, texting, and even downloading.

There are cell phones that are made especially for children. They’re designed to be easy to use, and have features like limited internet access, minute management, number privacy, and emergency buttons.

What about smart phones?

Many phones offer web access and various mobile apps. If your child is going to use a phone and you’re concerned about what they might get into while they are online, you can choose a phone that has limited internet access.  You can also turn on web filtering.

Understand social mapping.

Many mobile phones have GPS technology installed and kids with these types of phones can locate their friends and also be located by their friends. You want to talk with your child about using this functionality and advise them to only use these features with friends they know and trust.  They should never broadcast their location to the world all day long.

There are some carriers that offer GPS services that let parents map their kid’s location.

Explain what you expect.

You will want to establish rules for responsible use. Talk to your child about when and where it is appropriate to use their cell phones.

  • Do you allow calls or texting at the dinner table?
  • Do you have rules about cell phone use at night?
  • Should they give you their cell phones while they’re doing homework?
  • Should they give you their cell phones when they’re supposed to be in bed?

Mobile bullying.

Some kids use mobile phones to bully or harass others. Talk about this with your child.  They should understand that they should treat others the same way they want to be treated. The same manners and ethics you’ve taught in interacting with people face to face, also apply on phones, too.

Set a good example.

In almost every state, it’s illegal to drive while texting, surfing the internet or talking on the phone without a hands-free device.  It’s also dangerous. Set an example for your kids. Talk to them about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving.
