Fake Antivirus Software (aka ‘Scareware’) Scam

Current Scams - Fake Antivirus

Fake antivirus software ads and pop-ups try to get you to believe that your computer is infected with a virus and that you can fix these problems by downloading their software. DON’T DO IT!!! These scammers then get you in a couple of ways:

  • You give them access to your credit card information.
  • You give them access to your computer.

When you click the fake antivirus software download link, you then get a virus, malware, or ransomware rather then the antivirus software you thought you were downloading.  According to Norton, “The scammers can use this malware to access your files, send out fake emails in your name, or track your online activity”.

Always be cautious of ads and pop-ups that prompt you to take immediate action, or ones that look to be impossible to close. Be sure to install, update, and use real antivirus software to reduce the risk of your computer being infected with scareware.
